
This is never easy, so our hope is to be as transparent and clear as possible.

Batina and I have spent most of the last 10-11 months praying and seeking God about this and we feel the Spirit’s urging that our time as pastors of the Eugene Church is coming to an end. 

Let me preface this and say that this decision is not because of anything anyone of you or anything the church has done. We have no feelings like we are quitting or running away, and this is not because we feel pushed away. This decision is completely a personal matter and it’s our desire to share those reasons with you.

First, we have reached a point with our children where we need them to be near their family, especially our older ones. I cannot state enough how the church has been amazing at loving and supporting us but we are feeling a large gap not having family near and we believe that gap will only begin to hurt our family dynamic and our kids as they grow older. The relationships that we’ve built over the last 3 ½ years have been life-changing and it grieves our heart that we won’t be here with you but we know those relationships will continue.

Secondly, I have becoming increasingly concerned for my mother's health. Her health is nothing alarming but a few chronic illness have effected her over the years and I feel more and more the need to have my family near her so she can be the grandma she desires to be.

Lastly, Batina and I have prayed and asked God for clarity about this matter and we believe that God is moving us on in ministry. More importantly, God is moving the church on. We’ve felt God's pull that we have done what we were called to do here, and it is time. This has been the hardest for me, personally, because I was looking for a definitive finish line and there isn't one. There isn’t one because God is not done here. God has given me peace that He has much in store for the Eugene Church.

We want to make something abundantly clear. We are here to serve you until the last day. As your pastor, will not ever be one foot in and one foot out. My commitment has always been to this local church and it will remain that way until our final day. My desire is to work with all of you to move the church into an even healthier place as it looks forward. 

I want every member of our church family to have the opportunity to ask or say what they need to say so I am available to talk on the phone, in person, or in response to an email.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me - | 210-863-6603.


With Love,

Pastor Michael and Batina Mancha